
old red bike

1. some old friends approached me in a bookstore tonight as it was closing and I was making my usual unnoticed late-night rounds to see the current magazine culture
we talked and I'm hired as the art editor for the publication so close to my heart.
2. then i cut my hair.
3. with three new jobs, i can pay for school and travel. the thought is so nice.
4. i am awed and inspired by riverbend, the pseudonym of the blog writer who has captured me; although it assumes more responsibility for my disgust in the american system and makeup. not being able to fix this confused, mess of an island,
creates some heartache.
5. before working tomorrow i will sketch some dreams and make some espresso. the italian way that was my first taste of any coffee.
6. you can not buy a paper in my city in italian. some tourists asked me this afternoon.
7. i got a parking ticket one minute before i arrived.
8. I bought an old red bike from the 1940s. I ride it each day. And ride the car less.
9. I move into my new apartment and have a birthday this week. august is a dreamy enough time for both of those.